
Book Review: Dark Night Golden Dawn (The Immortal Orders, #1)

Do you listen to music while you read or do you prefer silence?

I typically prefer silence, but since I don’t live alone, that’s rarely an option. Instead, I love to listen to author curated playlists for their books.

Did you know that Allison Carr Waechter has a playlist for every book in The Immortal Orders series? I absolutely love when authors do this! It really submerses you into the world they’ve created and helps better evoke the feelings of the characters with a soundtrack.

Dark Night Golden Dawn The Immortal Orders, #1 by Allison Carr Waechter
Publisher: Independently Published
Page Count: 408
Format: digital
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Source: personal library

Content Warnings: graphic emotional abuse, domestic abuse, sexual content; moderate animal cruelty, body shaming, bullying; minor suicide attempt, drug abuse, infidelity

In a city where the elite are powerful as gods, the season is about to begin. The Immortal Orders will gather, pair and create a spectacle for all of Nuva Troi to witness.

Harlow Krane is a sorcière who wants nothing more than to recover from her most recent breakup in peace. When the season begins, her Order needs her help to save their ancestral occult district from being taken over by the Illuminated, the most powerful immortals in Nuva Troi. They offer to back off—if Harlow agrees to pair with their most eligible bachelor, Finn McKay. But Harlow has been burned by Finn before.

Finn McKay is one of the Illuminated. Rich, powerful, and he isn’t afraid of anyone—except for his parents. When they push him towards Harlow Krane, he knows their purposes are sinister at best. For the past seven years, Finn has done everything in his power to stay away from Harlow and he won’t break his resolve now, even if it means defying his parents. As the season begins, it’s clear something is dangerously wrong but besides Finn, only Harlow seems to notice.

With magic behaving strangely, the balance of power between the Immortal Orders and humans grows deadlier by the day. Harlow and Finn must work together to keep ancient grudges from resurfacing and take back their lives in the process. If they can get over their past, the whole world may have a brighter future.

★★★★☆ — in love
🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ — spicy

I found the plot of Dark Night Golden Dawn to be incredibly intricate and filled with intriguing lore and mystery. The exploration of the Scroll of Akatei and its significance to the characters' past, present, and future has left me curious and eager to uncover its secrets.

The relationship between Finn and Harlow, with its second-chance romance, was charming. While I enjoyed their reconciliation, I personally would have appreciated a bit more angst before they reunited.

The author skillfully portrayed Harlow's dark and complex emotions, making her a relatable and tangible character. I appreciated how the author depicted Harlow navigating her struggles both independently and with the support of her loved ones. The moments where Harlow withdrew from others in response to stress and overwhelming emotions felt incredibly realistic.

I particularly enjoyed how the story initially resembled a fantasy version of Pride & Prejudice, with its five sisters, well-meaning parents, and high society gentlemen reminiscent of Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley. However, I also appreciated the deviations from this familiar path, allowing the story to pay homage to Jane Austen's classic without simply reinterpreting it.

Overall, Dark Night Golden Dawn is a captivating fantasy romance set in a contemporary world of magic, deception, and betrayal. Its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and realistic exploration of emotions make for an engaging read. I eagerly anticipate diving further into The Immortal Orders Trilogy and discovering what lies ahead for Finn and Harlow.

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