
The Nature of Darkness by A.M. Crafton


This early review copy was gifted to me by author A.M. Crafton through BookSirens. This in no way impacts the rating of the book. All of my reviews contain my honest opinions.

Title: The Nature of Darkness
Series: Andromeda North
Author: A.M. Crafton
Publisher: Independently Published
Genre: Science Fiction, Romance
Source: digital, BookSirens
Pages: 381


A starship captain. A bounty hunter. A web of secrets and lies.

Four years after a galaxy-wide war that tore them apart and reshaped the world they knew, former soldiers and friends Jace and Athena couldn’t have more different lives. Jace is a merchant captain, delivering cargo with a small but loyal crew. Athena is a bounty hunter, alone and in hiding after faking her death to escape the new regime. She hasn’t seen Jace since the fateful day they were separated; he thinks she didn’t survive, and she believes he abandoned her to save himself.

When a mysterious organization hires them both to assassinate a key official, Athena and Jace are reunited under less than pleasant circumstances. Blackmailed into working together, they must navigate a deadly new galaxy filled with mercenaries, crime lords, and monsters. But as they unravel the truth and realize not everything is as it seems, the friends-turned-enemies must face something entirely worse: their changing feelings and the truth of what happened on the day they were separated.


I recently had the pleasure of reading "The Nature of Darkness" by A.M. Crafton, and I was utterly captivated by it. It's been a long time since I've found myself so deeply engrossed in a book, to the point where I simply didn't want it to end.

This book was a stunning, beautifully crafted narrative, rich with characters who seemed to leap off the page with their complexity and depth. Each character felt real, broken in their own ways, yet fighting relentlessly against the darkness that enveloped them. The way they faced their struggles was both inspiring and profoundly moving.

One of the aspects that struck me most was the ending. It was so emotionally charged and well-crafted that it brought tears to my eyes. The culmination of the characters' journey and the resolution of their story was heart-wrenching and deeply satisfying.

The entire narrative had a certain familiarity to it, reminiscent of some of my favorite sci-fi shows like Star Wars and Firefly/Serenity. It was as if the author had taken the best elements of those universes and blended them together in a unique and exciting way.

The two main characters, Jace and Athena, were particularly compelling. I was completely drawn to them, captivated by their individual stories as well as their shared history. I loved their dynamics, their conflicts, and their palpable chemistry.

Their past was filled with pain and regret, but their present was a struggle for forgiveness and understanding. They were trying to forgive each other and themselves for the mistakes they had made, a theme that resonated deeply with me.

I was also moved by their hope for a future, despite all the challenges and obstacles they faced. It was a delicate thread of optimism that ran through the story, adding another layer of depth to their characters.

Athena, with her brokenness and anger, was a character who really stood out. Her pain was so tangible, so heartbreaking, that it was impossible not to feel for her.

On the other hand, Jace, with his resilience and determination in the face of his doubts and fears, was a character I couldn't help but admire. His strength and vulnerability were beautifully balanced, making him a character I won't easily forget.

In conclusion, "The Nature of Darkness" was a remarkable read, one that will stay with me for a long time. It's a compelling blend of sci-fi and romance, with a narrative that's as moving as it is exciting. If you're in search of a book that will grip you from start to finish, I couldn't recommend this one more.


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