
September 2023 Book & Brew Review: Andromeda’s Account


Andromeda’s Account by L.B. Benson

Publisher: Emerald Moon Press

Page Count: 1,1281

Format: ebook

Genre: Fantasy, Romance

Source: Kindle Unlimited

Content Warnings: graphic sexual scenes, graphic violence/murder/physical abuse/blood, strong language, sexual assault/rape, misogyny, pregnancy/childbirth/child loss/miscarriage (mentioned), anxiety/panic attacks/grief, discussion of parental loss, sucked/attempted suicide, alcohol abuse

Andromeda’s Account is about a young woman who was training to be a priestess when her homeland is invaded, her Queen is killed, and her religion is considered adulterous heresy. When the temple she’s training at is attacked, she flees and spends the next 8 years of her life working in a brothel only to be sold to a pirate captain with a dangerous and unsavory reputation. The pirate captain turns out to be someone from her past, and her future is a path already designated by the Goddess she worships. Throughout the trilogy, her past and future frequently collide, and she must come to terms with who she was and who she must be.

The first book, The Bartered Soul, felt like it moved a little slowly for me in that it wasn’t an anxious page turner. Every moment was pretty important to the plot—the author is really good at not having a bunch of filler, but rather utilizes time jumps to keep the plot moving along—but it didn’t keep me on the edge of my seat. 

I also felt a little confused with regards to the religion and the Goddess they celebrate. I just wanted more explanation as to the perimeters of the religion like they’re belief system, why do they worship the way they do, what’s the symbology behind their ceremonial robes and jewelry and markings. This information does come in the later books, but I kept felt like I was missing vital information while reading the first book. 

However, I greatly enjoyed learning Captain Lennox’s history and how he tied in with Andromeda. He remained an incredibly enjoyable character throughout the whole series and has definitely made it into my Top 10 Book Boyfriends.

The anxiety definitely kicked up a notch in the second book, The City of New Aphros. I just knew bad things were going to happen, and the author kept me guessing each time as whether they would or not!

My love for Lennox remained strong throughout the second book, especially when he let his dastardly side show. The love between him and Andromeda was always heartwarming. It never felt cliche or overdone. I always enjoyed even the little interactions between them, the subtle looks and touches, and let’s not forget the spicy scenes! They are definitely descriptive. If that’s not your jam, they’re easy to skip over because nothing integral to the plot is discussed is those moments, and I strongly suggest not letting that content deter you from reading this amazing story.

The third book of the series, Andromeda’s Vengeance, was exactly the conclusion we—and the character’s—deserved. Blackwell is such an amazing villain! You love to hate him!

Benson also does an amazing job with setting the scene and her world building. I could absolutely picture what the characters were seeing from the deck of the ship when the storm hit, and the little touches with casual mention of the local’s superstitions were so seamlessly apart of the story that nothing felt thrown together. Everything was very carefully planned out and plotted. You aren’t filling in any gaps or stuck with unanswered questions.

The story continually reminded me of The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi and Fable by Adrienne Young. If you enjoy pirates, magic, fierce heroines, misogynistic dicks who get their comeuppance, and feminism-positive stories, definitely check out this series.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (loved it)

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ (hot)


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