
Heart of Night of Fire (Nightfire Quartet, #1) Review

Heart of Night and Fire Nightfire Quartet #1 by Nisha J.
Publisher: Second Sky
Pages: 379
Format: ebook
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Source: Amazon Kindle
Content Warnings: blood, fighting, graphic sex, profanity, sexual assault (attempted), violence

A city of magic. A passion born in dreams. A secret that will set their world aflame. 
For years, Zarya has been trapped in a gilded prison. Her magic is forbidden, a dangerous secret—though nobody will explain why. Now she is ready to break free and find the truth. 
Escaping to the dazzling city of Dharati, Zarya discovers a new world of enchantment and intrigue. With the help of seductive, blood-drinking rakshasa and magic-weaving Aazheri sorcerers, she searches for answers. 
But the city is under siege. Every night, dark creatures attack. And since Zarya’s arrival they are growing stronger. To protect her new home, Zarya joins the fight. 
As she battles on the walls and hunts through libraries for clues about her gifts, Zarya’s dreams are haunted by a mysterious stranger. Powerful, arrogant and handsome, Rabin sees through her secrets and ignites a desire she cannot resist. But can he be trusted? 
When darkness threatens to overwhelm Dharati, Zarya is faced with a deadly choice. Will revealing her magic save the city? Or destroy everything she loves? 
Enter a glittering new world inspired by Indian mythology and prepare to discover your new obsession.

I’m sad to say it took me a really long time to get into this story. It took until about 68% for me to feel that the story was finally starting to move along, but once it did, it moved!

The world building was so rich and colorful. The monsters, the food, the clothing—it’s such a beautiful world that Tuli created for this story. It was easy to imagine Dharati and the beasts from the darkness.

Zarya was such an endearing character. You love her sunshiny innocence and passion for this new world around her as well as her desire to see and experience everything she possibly can. But she was also very strong and capable while not being egotistical in her skills.

I loved Yasen. He was an adorable side character, and you really grew to love him as the story unfolded.

Once we met Rabin… I was hooked. I loved the scenes of Zarya and Rabin, and the revelation of exactly who he was! I cannot wait to see how Zarya’s past and the mystery of Rabin continue to unravel!

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (it was okay)
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ (mild)

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